Magento 2 Extensions:Hide Price - Call For Price

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This is a guide for Magento 2. This extension is a Magento 2 only extension, we don't offer a version for Magento 1 at this point.




Hide product prices, disable add to cart functionality or completely disable shopping cart features in your Magento 2 store - fine grained settings, on category, product or customer group level. Get Hide Price & Call For Price today!

Interested in this Magento Extension?

Head over to our store to purchase this extension: Hide Price / Call For Price (Magento 2)

Got questions? Feel free to contact us! Contact Form

Setting up the extension

After installing the extension as described in the above link, the extensions configuration section is located at System > XTENTO > Hide Price. Make sure to enable the module there.

You will also configure the extensions settings there. For example, for which customer group to hide prices, whether to hide add to cart as well, how price is replaced (button, etc.), etc. The configuration in the backend is well-documented.

All settings can be made on "store view" level, meaning, differently for different store views.

If you're just looking to see the settings before your purchase, head over to our demo environment. (


Price / Add to Cart hidden/shown in category/product even though it shouldn't be

Make sure your reindexing processes and Magento cron are set up properly. This is required so settings you make on category/product level with regards to hiding/showing prices/add to cart are synced to index tables. You can go to System > Index Management to check if reindexing works, make sure it is set to "Update on Schedule" and happens multiple times a day. If this happened more than a few hours ago, make sure to set up the Magento crons or run bin/magento indexer:reindex

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