Product Feed Setup:Google Shopping

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NEW: 1-Click-Wizard to set up Product Feeds

Starting from September 2018, you can set up your product feeds with the click of a button! No need to set up profiles and destinations manually.

The guide below will remain here for reference. Use our 1-click-wizard and start from step 4 ("Step 4: Setup in Google Merchant Center") then simply.

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Setting up an automated link between Magento and Google Shopping is easy using the Product Feed Export Module. Make sure you have installed the module as explained in the Setup & Configuration guide, and then follow these steps to set up your Google Shopping integration.

Contact us if you have questions.

Step 1: Setting up the export destination

Sample Destination Configuration

First of all we will need to set up the folder where the Google Shopping feed will be stored in, so Google can retrieve it.

Go to Catalog > Product Export > Export Destinations in the Magento admin panel. Create a new destination.

Destination Name: Google Shopping
Destination Type: Local Directory

Click proceed/save. It will now ask you to enter the "Export Directory" now. Enter: ./feeds/

(Including the dot at the beginning - very important)

Now save the export destination and proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Setting up the export profile

Enabling the export destination
XSL Template / Export definition
Automatic Export

Go to Catalog > Product Export > Export Profiles in the Magento admin panel. Create a new profile.

Enter a name such as "Google Shopping Feed" in the "General Configuration" tab.

Select the "Export Destinations" tab on the left and make sure to "enable" the export destination you created in step 1. (See screenshot on the right side)

Select the "Stores & Filters" and select the "Store View" (URLs, etc. will be taken from this store view) that you'd like to export.

Go into the "Output Format" tab. You'll now need the export definition. To get that, do the following:

Download the XSL Template (export format definition) from the integration page in our store:

You will need to log in using your account or if you purchased via Magento Marketplace, enter your MAG ID there.

Save the file on your computer. Open it using Notepad and copy ALL contents of the file, and paste this into the "Output Format" tab in your export profile. (See screenshot on the right side)

Then, in the "Output Format" tab where you pasted the contents of the file you downloaded, you have to look for this: <xsl:variable name="currency"><xsl:text>USD</xsl:text></xsl:variable> Replace USD with whatever currency you are using.

Now proceed to the "Automatic Export" tab. Set "Cronjob Enabled" to "Yes" there and set the "Export Frequency" to "Twice Daily".

Now save the profile. You're done with setting up the profile, proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Manual Export

Now you'll need to run the export manually once so the feed gets generated for the first time.

To do so, go to Catalog > Product Export > Manual Export and select the profile you created, then select "Export" and wait for the generation to finish.

Then, proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Setup in Google Merchant Center

You will now need to sign into Google Merchant Center and add the feed.

To do so, go to "Feeds" in Google Merchant Center and add a new feed and make settings such as name, country etc. as required.

In step two when selecting the "Input Method", select "Automatic Download" (second option as of 2017) and proceed.

In step three you'll now need to enter the "File URL" from where Google downloads the product feed automatically. Enter the following value:

Please replace "" with the correct URL of your Magento installation.

If you get an error that the file can't be found, either you didn't run a manual export of the feed in Magento yet, or you entered a wrong domain/path.

You're done. Google will now fetch the feed from your server and process it. Any eventual data errors can be seen in Google Merchant Center then, you can fix them in Magento by adjusting the Output Format of your export profile, and then create a new manual export to update the feed on your server and/or wait for the cronjob to run to automatically re-generate the feed per the defined export frequency.


Please check the FAQ section at the bottom of this page for troubleshooting hints.

Insufficient product identifiers: Missing two out of three attributes [GTIN, brand, mpn]

Google Shopping requires at least two of these three attributes to be present in your feed for specific types of goods. If you don't want or do not have sucn product attributes set up in your Magento store, you can disable these fields in the feed like this:

Please find this code in your XSL template in the "Output Format" tab:

<xsl:element name="g:identifier_exists"><xsl:text>TRUE</xsl:text></xsl:element>

and replace TRUE with FALSE, then save the profile and export to Google again.

Otherwise you would have to create and configure product attributes like "brand", "gtin" or "mpn" in your Magento store.

Multiple feeds for multiple store views

It is possible to set up different feeds for each of your store views. The only thing you need to take care of is to adjust the filename of the feed profile, so that all profiles use different filenames and thus generate separate feeds for each of your store views. In each of your feed profiles that you set up, in the tab "Output Format", be sure to adjust the "filename" of the profile so a unique filename is used for each profile, such as google_export_US.xml, google_export_UK.xml, etc.

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