Magento 2 Extensions:XtCore

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This article contains solutions and answers for common problems that occur while installing Xtento_XtCore for Magento 2.

Area code not set: Area code must be set before starting a session.

If you try to install the Xtento_XtCore module and get the following error message while running "setup:upgrade":

Module 'Xtento_XtCore':
Installing data...

Area code not set: Area code must be set before starting a session.

Area code is not set

This is an error we see for about 1 of 500 installations. Please do the following:

Open the file "app/code/Xtento/XtCore/Setup/InstallData.php" (or if installed via composer: "vendor/xtento/module-xtcore/Setup/InstallData.php") and look for:

public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\App\Config\ValueFactory $configValueFactory)
    $this->configValueFactory = $configValueFactory;

Replace this with: public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\App\Config\ValueFactory $configValueFactory, \Magento\Framework\App\State $appState)
    $this->configValueFactory = $configValueFactory;

Save the file. Then run "setup:upgrade" again. This must be done one-time only and you can then revert the file InstallData.php to the original version again.

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